is|巴夏:利用造物(神)的流动( 三 )
Because you start to realize that physical reality is a dream and that you can have manifestations that you would have in the past simply recognize as magical.
因为你开始意识到 , 物质实相就是一个梦 , 并且 , 你能够显化出 过去的你认为是“神奇”的事物
But you see, as we have often said
但是 , 就像我们经常说的
Miracles are not the exception
奇迹 , 不是“例外”
Miracles are the natural order of things,
奇迹 , 是万物运作自然规律
Not experiencing them is the exception.
体验不到奇迹 , 才叫“异常”
So you are giving up being the exception and going into the flow of creation in a more natural way
所以 , 你们在逐步地释放“奇迹是例外”的信念 , 并且 , 以更自然的方式 , 进入造物(主)的“创造之流”
Beginning to realize that surrender is not giving up control
你们开始意识到:臣服 , 不是放弃控制
Surrender is allowing the control you already have to express itself more freely.
臣服 , 是你 , 允许“你已经拥有的控制”能够更加自由地自我表达
It's understanding that going with the flow means that the current already knows where you need to go
臣服 , 是你明白:“顺流”真正意思 , 是“水流”已经知道你需要去哪里
Instead of swimming upstream with resistance
而不是迎着阻抗 , 逆流而上
Because the physical mind thinks it knows what's best.
因为 , 你们的头脑(物质心智)认为:它知道什么才是最好的
The physical mind isn't designed to know that
但是 , 头脑的任务 , 不是用来知道“什么才是最好的”
The physical mind doesn't have a clue.
你们的头脑 , 对此 , 一无所知
Well, now and then maybe a hint
好吧 , 有时候它可能也会“灵光一现”
But the physical mind is only designed to experience what’s happening
但头脑的作用 , 只是用来体验当下所发生的事情
The higher mind is designed to know what needs to happen in order to bring to your physical individual experience as a personality everything you need in your life that is relevant for you in order to experience the fullness of your being in complete and total joy and ecstasy
只有高我知道需要发生什么 , 才能够给物质实相中的你 , 带来你的体验所需要的一切相关事物 , 从而让你能够完整地体验到“生而为人”乐趣与狂喜
That is the potential in all of you should you choose to awaken to it
如果你们选择觉醒于这样的认知 , 那么 , 这就是你们每个人身上都拥有的可能性
Does that answer your question?
Yes, thank you, it's beautiful!
是的 , 回答得很美!谢谢!
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