is|巴夏:利用造物(神)的流动( 二 )
当你的大脑感知到:你所接收到的信息实际上是“真实的” , 那么 , 大脑所保留下来的信息量 , 会比“知道这只是个模拟”的多 , 最多的可多至60%至70%
So the more real you can make it, putting things where you believe they would be, interacting with physical things in the way you believe you would be interacting with things should they happen that way
所以 , 你模拟出来的情景越真实 , 就像你相信:如果事情那样发生了 , 那你会这样这样地放置某些物品 , 那样那样地处理(互动)某些事物
The more you are training your body consciousness to get used to that reality
那么 , 你越能够训练你的身体意识习惯于那个实相(的振频)
【is|巴夏:利用造物(神)的流动】And the more it goes into alignment with that imagination vibration
And it starts to synchronize
And it more synchronically can manifest the reality that is at least somewhat symbolically representative, at least very closely to what it is you have mocked up
你也将更加同步地显化出那个(想象的)实相 , 至少在某种程度上象征着那个实相 , (或者)至少非常接近你所模拟的情景
So that's one way to do it
Does this help?
That's perfect, thank you
堪称完美 , 谢谢!
What is the highest potential for human experience?
人类能够经历到的 最高层次的体验 , 是什么?
The fourth density experience
Which means you can experience the concept that you sometimes euphemistically referred to as Heaven On Earth.
有时候 , 你们把这种体验 , 委婉地称之为“人间天堂” , 也就是说:
Everyone absolutely having what they need when they needed
每个人都能够在他需要的时候 , 获得他所需要的东西
In absolute harmony with every aspect of your experience
都能够 与他经历中所涉及到的各个方面 和谐共处
Being full-fledged expressions of creation in the way that is unique for you to express
都能够以自己独一无二的方式 , 完整地表达造物(主)的创造性
It's how our civilization functions.
我们的星球文明 , 就是这么运作的
We operate on what we call pure synchronism.
我们把这种运作方式 , 称之为 “纯粹的同步性”
Everyone is exactly where they need to be, when they need to be there
每个人都是在他需要的时候 , 准确地“在”他所需要的“在”的地方
Interacting with exactly who they need interact with at exactly the right moment
在绝对正确的时刻 , 与真正需要互动的人 进行互动
Getting exactly what they need, In perfect exchange, In perfect harmony, In perfect timing.
在完美的时机 , 以完美和谐的方式 , 进行完美的交换 , 从而获得他所真正需要的事物
It's a choreography
It's an orchestration
It's automatic.
并且 , 它是自动运作的
That's all there is to it.
It's like living in a dream
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