
去米兰大学读环境与食品经济学硕士还真是不多。这个专业一共是两个方向:1,环境与能源经济学, 2,农业食品系统的经济学与管理。 在第二个图片中可以体现出来,自己选择方向,不限制。是英语授课的。 看一下它的课程设置吧,
了解完这两个方向以后看一下米兰大学给出了的就业方向:The Master degree in Environmental and Food Economics is organized in two curricula: Environmental and Energy Economics; Economics and Management of the Agri-Food System. The professional profiles that characterize the two curricula can be summarized as follows.The Environmental and Energy Economics profile is more oriented to the world of institutions, both public and private, with job opportunities in national, EU, and international institutions, public administration, Energy Authorities, FAO, OECD, European Commission, public and private research organisations, and research department of large national and multinational companies.The Economics and Management of the Agri-food System profile is more oriented to the world of private business with job opportunities in agri-food companies such as small and medium enterprises, multinationals, and global retailers, as well as national, EU, and international institutions that carry out research in agricultural and food policies, like FAO, World Bank, OECD, and the European Commission.米兰大学(The University of Milan),坐落在米兰市中心,临近世界文明的米兰大教堂。米兰大学是意大利第四大学府,由组成法律系、艺术和哲学系、医学和物理系、数学和自然科学系组成。—————————————————分割线—————————————————本人留学意大利五年,毕业回国后做过意大利语中教,意大利留学老师,,在意大利留学行业滚打多年,希望把更多的经验分享给大家,让大家少走一些弯路,让大家更真实的了解意大利留学信息!!
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