特朗普说的这个“大日子”来了,他出手了!( 四 )
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has called out Twitter for attaching a fact check to a tweet from President Trump, telling Fox News' Dana Perino that privately-owned digital platforms should not act as the "arbiter of truth."
“就这件事上 , 我们和推特的政策不同 , ”扎克伯格说 , “我坚持认为脸书不应该充当网络上人们的事实仲裁者 , 私人公司特别是网络平台公司 , 不应该站在这个位置上 。 ”(只不过 , 扎克伯格这么说 , 一定是没记着去年脸书大规模删除中国帐号的事情 。 戳这里回顾)
"We have a different policy than, I think, Twitter on this," Zuckerberg told "The Daily Briefing" in an interview scheduled to air in full on Thursday. "I just believe strongly that Facebook shouldn't be the arbiter of truth of everything that people say online," he added. "Private companies probably shouldn't be, especially these platform companies, shouldn't be in the position of doing that."
Fox News网站
几个小时后 , 推特CEO的回怼就来了:通过信息核实给特朗普的推特贴标签 , 并不意味着社交媒体平台要当“事实仲裁者” 。
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey says that labeling two of President Donald Trump's tweets with fact checks does not make the social media company an "arbiter of truth." The Twitter executive's remarks also came just hours after Fox News posted part of an interview due to air Thursday with Mark Zuckerberg, in which the Facebook CEO explained why his company did not take action on Trump's false posts about mail-in ballots.
“我们的目的是把矛盾的信息点连接起来 , 在争议中提供信息 , 以供人们自己判断 。 让推特更透明是至关重要的 , 人们也可以清晰地看到我们的行动背后的原因 。 ”
"Our intention is to connect the dots of conflicting statements and show the information in dispute so people can judge for themselves. More transparency from us is critical so folks can clearly see the why behind our actions," Dorsey tweeted Wednesday night.
不知道经历过这次风波 , 特朗普是不是要把自己的“御用平台”转移到脸书呢?
综合来源:新华网 , CNN , CNBC , Fox News , 观察者网 , 央视网
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