open的比较级用more open是错误的吗

摘自States of Adjective: -er or more, -est or most :Sounds-Weird Rule for States of AdjectivesSometimes the ?er and ?est endings just sound strange.For example, the correct comparative and superlative forms of common are commoner and commonest. But these words sound strange, the first like some cockney character pushing a barrow in the East End of London, the second like some sort of dangerous subversive.Thus: common, morecommon, and mostcommon would be regarded as correct by most people (simply because they’re used to hearing these forms). In formal settings, however, you should choose the correct forms, commoner and commonest.Open是一样的情况。字典上说opener和openest是没错,但在实际应用中因为opener有起子的意思,所以上面说的规则生效,人们会使用more open来避免滑稽或歧义。到了正式的场合,例如新闻稿中,理应采用最正确的形式opener和openest,但其实作者会从根本上避免用这个词,省的陷入要么生僻而且滑稽,要么常用但不正确的两难当中。在下面这篇苏斯博士(美国儿童文学作家)的诗里用了opener,博主注释认为这是故意和日常用法相悖来制造童真效果,是证实opener这个形式在一般场合很罕见的另一个例子:\u0026#39;s opener hereIn the wide open air.
正确的。因为open这个单词有两个音节。有一个很好的鉴别音节数量的方法。把手放在下巴下。读单词。下巴动了几次。几个音节。两个及其以上音节的形容词。在表达更,最的时候,也就是比较级和最高级的时候用加more 和 most。
【open的比较级用more open是错误的吗】 这个提问需要匿名?
莫名被你戳中笑点。。就是more open啦Opener 是开瓶器呀
