
在iPad和Kindle的时代 , 图书馆能有多酷?其实远超你的想象 , 只要你知道该去哪儿 。 How cool can libraries be in an era of iPads and Kindles? More than you think. Only if you know where to go 。
1. Central Library: Seattle, Washington, United States

The Central Library in Seattle is sleek, modern and sophisticated and has tourists from around the world paying visits and taking tours. Yes, actual tours.
西雅图的中央图书馆时尚现代而且精致 , 吸引了来自世界各地的游客前来观光 。 没错 , 真正的观光 。
In its first year, more than 2 million tourists visited the library, which was designed by Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas and American designer Joshua Ramus. Tours began in 2006, two years after its opening.
这座图书馆建成的第一年 , 就迎来了超过200万游客前来参观 。 图书馆的设计者是荷兰建筑师雷姆·库哈斯和美国设计师乔舒亚·拉莫斯 。 在2006年也就是图书馆开放两年后 , 开始正式接受游客参观 。
The library was voted onto the American Institute of Architects 150 favorite structures in the United States.
在美国建筑师学会票选出的美国人150座最喜爱的建筑中 , 这座图书馆榜上有名 。
The library holds various art exhibitions, book signings and other events throughout the year, while visitors can stop by the Chocolati cart for a coffee and browse through the gift shop anytime.
中央图书馆一年到头举办各类艺术展、图书签售会等活动 , 不论何时 , 游客都可以在Chocolati 咖啡吧里停下来喝杯咖啡 , 浏览一下礼品店 。
Trinity College Library
2. Trinity College Library: Dublin, Ireland

The Trinity College Library in Dublin is the oldest library in Ireland, founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I.
位于都柏林的圣三一学院图书馆是爱尔兰最古老的图书馆 , 由伊丽莎白一世女王主持建于1592年 。
Not only is the exterior impressive, it boasts the largest single chamber library in the world, also known as the Long Room, which contains more than 200,000 of the library's oldest books.
图书馆不仅是外形让人印象深刻 , 它还是世界上最大的单体图书馆 , 被称为“长厅” , 收藏了20万本图书馆最古老的书 。
The Long Room houses one of the oldest harps in Ireland. Dating to the 15th century, the oak harp is the model for the emblem of Ireland.
爱尔兰最古老的竖琴之一也存放于“长厅” 。 这架竖琴诞生于15世纪 , 是爱尔兰象征的标志 。
Geisel Library University of California
3. Geisel Library, University of California: San Diego, United States

At first glance, it looks like a spaceship.
第一眼看上去 , 这座图书馆好像一艘宇宙飞船 。
Architect William Pereira, who helped design actual space launch facilities at Cape Canaveral in Houston, Texas, designed the library in 1970. It has been featured in sci-fi films, short stories and novels.
