
亲身经历武汉封城的美国加州女孩梅根·梦露,从隔离第一天就开始在抖音上分享武汉的生活日常,希望为全世界有类似处境的人传递正能量,却遭到了一些人的质疑 。
“现在很庆幸当时没回美国!”她也借演讲的机会回应质疑:那些视频不是什么宣传(propaganda)!世界需要看看,中国为了抗击疫情都做了什么 。
梅根·梦露 坚守武汉的美籍教师
《其他国家都应该借鉴中国防控疫情的经验 》
我叫梅根·梦露 。我来到中国已经98天了,其中56天在隔离,其余42天我都可以自由行动 。
My name is Megan Monroe. And I have been in China for 98 days. We"ve been quarantined for 56 of those days, and I’ve been free for 42 of those days 。
我的公司叫Pro-Stage 。我在这里是想给孩子们做好榜样,将来打算成为戏剧、舞蹈和公共演讲方面的教师 。我们之前是与孩子一对一教学的,现在都是在线教学了 。
I am part of a company called Pro-Stage. And I am over here so that I can be a good role model for kids and eventually become a theater, dance and public speech teacher. We got to work with the kids one on one and in person before. And now we"ve been working with students online 。
我讲讲自己来做什么吧,去年10月左右,有人给我打电话,问我想不想去剧团做艺术顾问 。我问在哪,她说在中国 。我在加州生活,从没出过国,我就答应了,来到了中国 。
I"m going to tell you about what I"m doing here. I got a phone call around October of last year, 2019, asking me if I wanted to be an artistic adviser for a theatre company. When I asked the location, she said China. And being in California and never have going abroad before, I said, okay, sure. And here I am 。

武汉是我去过最大的城市,我的故乡只有30万人口,武汉则有1130万 。
Wuhan is the biggest city that I have ever been in. My hometown had 300,000 people in it, and Wuhan is home to 11.3 million people 。
武汉还有160多个湖泊,我住的公寓刚好在三角湖旁,就是三角形的湖 。
【『And』留在武汉的美国外教:现在很庆幸当时没回美国】There are over 160 lakes in Wuhan. And my apartment building just so happens to sit next to the Sanjiaohu, which is the triangle or Delta lake 。
武汉的高楼大厦,我之前从没见过 。我现在住在10层,公寓共30层,我之前的家都只有一层 。这里住的公寓和家里的房子,比起来还是很不一样的 。
I haven"t seen buildings as big as the ones in Wuhan in my entire life. I currently live in a 30-story building on the 10th floor. And my entire life I lived in a single-story house. So it"s a little bit different for me to be in an apartment than being in my home 。
刚开始隔离的时候,我和北京的美国大使馆联系,他们过了几天打给我,说可以帮我回国,暂时离开这里 。
In the beginning of the quarantine, I got in contact with the U.S. embassy that"s located in Beijing. And they called me back after a few days, saying that they could help me with departure assistance, so that I could get out of here 。
但是,我要向美国缴纳1100美元,就是7700元,才能坐飞机离开,再去那边隔离14天 。
