英国@英国新冠死亡接近3000!感染人数30万!很多人在医院被传染!( 二 )

“I will always remember that sweetness of yours, your smile, and you trying to help the teachers with their computers. I can’t believe that this happened to you. If I had the chance, I would wish to be in the same classroom with you as classmates, again.” (Luo Yini)
我总记得温柔的你 , 脸上总是带着笑的你 , 上课总是热心帮老师修电脑的你 , 最不敢让我相信这个消息是你 , 如果可以依旧希望我们还能再当同学在同一间教室上课 。
“Jovi (Junwei), that’s what I call him usually, is one of few boys I knew here. The first time I met him was on ELTU class where teacher asked us to make self-introductions in peers and Jovi was my peer. He was very friendly, polite and nice. And then we had more seminars together, so sometimes we walked home together after class. As far as I can remember each time I asked him where he was going, the answer would be gym or library. He was a person who knew clearly what he wanted to do in life, which I don’t see in many people. I can still remember how happy the time Jovi and I spent together was. He was a good friend as well as a very kind person. We will never forget him. May he rest in peace.” (Nie Shuang)
【英国@英国新冠死亡接近3000!感染人数30万!很多人在医院被传染!】珺玮 , 也是Jovi , 是我在英国认识的为数不多的男生朋友之一 。 还记得第一次认识他是在ELTU的语言课上 , 老师要求两个人一组互相做自我介绍 , Jovi就是其中一个需要和我交换信息的人 。 他是一个第一眼见到就觉得非常友善的人 , 彬彬有礼 , 随和亲切 。 每次见到Jovi不管是远远地还是面对面的 , 他总是笑眯眯的 , 讲话慢慢的 , 跟你打招呼 。 上个学期有很多的seminar是和Jovi一起上的 , 有时候下课就会一起走 , 如果不回家你问他去哪 , 我记得回答总是不是图书馆就是健身房 。 他是那种外表看起来非常温和且礼貌但心里非常有自己主意的人 , 和Jovi相处的时间不算长 , 但是所有一起度过的时光都是令人难忘的 。 这个世界上 , 可能让人过目不忘的人有很多 , 但是让人始终记起的人却很少 。 他是个很好的男孩 , 也是个很好的朋友 。 愿他在另一个地方一切安好 , 我们会一直一直记得他 。
