什麼是 Feature Engineering ?
Machine Learning机器学习 是用输入的 feature特征 经过机器学习的算法来 得到 predictive models预测模型。
Feature engineering特征工程 的目的就是选择、找到一个更好的Feature为的是predictive models预测模型更加准确。
罗列一下Wikipedia维基百科里写的Feature engineering步骤:
1. Brainstorming Or Testing features 头脑风暴或测试的方法挑选features
2. Deciding what features to create 决定想去创建什么features
3.Creating features 创建features
4. Checking how the features work with your model 检查这些features在现有模型中的输出情况
5. Improving your features if needed 如有需要改进feature
6. Go back to brainstorming/creating more features until the work is done. 回到第一步头脑风暴,以及考录是否需要添加更多的features,直到认为足够为止。
若有错误或不清楚之处 望指正
【什麼是 Feature Engineering ?】 Wikipedia:Feature engineering
feature engineering is the process of transforming raw data into features that better represent the underlying problem to the predictive models, resulting in improved model accuracy an unseen data.Feature engineering turn your inputs into things the algorithm can understand.From Mindorks
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