江苏龙网_原题是:用英文教宝宝如何洗手 , 手心手背、指缝间、指甲缝里 , 都怎么说?
◆ 吃东西、摸 鼻子 眼睛嘴、摸伤口 , 这些洗了手才能做的事如何表达?
◆ 手背、手心、指缝间、指甲缝里 , 英文都怎么说?
◆ 擦干不是wipe something dry , 而是dry something 。
Washing Your Hands
Mom: Stop! Don't touch that apple.
妈妈:停!别摸苹果 。
Did you washyour handsafter you got home?
Child: No.
宝宝:没有 。
Mom, I'm too hungry to wash my hands.
妈妈 , 我饿得都洗不了手了 。
Mom: You can wait a minute.
妈妈:你等会儿 。
There are germs on the street, around sick people, in the elevator, on door handles.
街道上、病人身上、电梯里、门把手上 , 到处都有病菌 。
Germs could makeyou sick,
病菌会让你生病的 ,
so you should make sure to wash your hands right afteryou come home.
所以你一回家就得洗手 。
Child: Germs are everywhere.
宝宝:病菌无处不在 。
Mom: They are everywhere,
妈妈:它们无处不在 ,
and you can't see them.
而且你看不到它们 。
But don't be afraid.
不过不要害怕 。
You can get rid ofa lot of germs by washing your hands.
你可以通过洗手洗掉很多病菌 。
It's also important to wash your hands before eating, touching your mouth, eyes and nose, or touching a cut or scrape.
在吃东西前、摸嘴、眼睛和鼻子以及触摸伤口之前洗手 , 也非常重要 。
Child: Okay, I can do that.
宝宝:好的 , 我会的 。
I don't want to get sick.
我不想生病 。
Mom: Thank you.
妈妈:谢谢你 。
I don't want you to get sick either.
我也不想让你生病 。
Do you know the four stepsof washing your hands?
Child: Yep, we learned them in school.
宝宝:知道 , 我们在学校学过 。
I can show you.
我可以示范给你看 。
Mom: That sounds great.
妈妈:好呀 。
Go ahead.
来吧 。
Child: Step 1 is you getyour hands wetin clean water.
宝宝:第1步是用清水把手冲湿 。
Then you put soap onyour hands
然后在手上打肥皂 ,
and rubthem together to make bubbles.
两只手搓出泡泡 。
Mom: Okay, what's next?
妈妈:很好 , 然后呢?
Child: Step 2 is you rub your hands together while singing the ABCs.
宝宝:第2步是一边搓手 , 一边唱《字母歌》 。
You rub the back ofyour hands, the front ofyour hands, in betweenyour fingersand underyour fingernails.
你要搓手背、手心、指缝间和指甲缝里 。
手心亦可用palm 。
Step 3 is rinseyour hands under clean, runningwater.
第3步是用流动的清水冲手 。
Make sure you get off all the soap.
一定要把肥皂都冲掉 。
Mom: Mine are looking pretty clean.
妈妈:我的看起来很干净了 。
What's the last step?
Child: Step 4 is my favorite.
宝宝:第4步是我最喜欢的 。
Shake your handsa few times
甩几次手 ,
then drythem with a clean towel.
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