
CANBERRA, Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- Huawei Australia Wednesday called for setting up a cyber security evaluation center for Australia to allow vendors, operators and governments to work together to find ways to enhance cyber security.In a speech to National Press Club in Canberra, Huawei Australia Chairman John Lord said the center is to test the security credentials of technologies being implemented into critical infrastructure projects."As information and communications technology plays an increasingly significant function in critical infrastructure projects around the world, all nations will need to take a step in this direction at some point," Lord said.With the center, all equipment implemented into major or critical Australian networks can be subjected to the same thorough security assessment, he said."Huawei is willing to offer complete and unrestricted access to our software source code and equipment in such an environment, and all other vendors should be subject to the same high standard of transparency."这种事情最怕误读,而媒体却偏偏要找出最具爆炸性的字眼,唤起最大的误读可能以换取新闻价值。John Lord的意思是在澳洲建立官方的通讯系统安全检测中心,所有参与投标的公司都公开源码的前提下... 而且也非针对所有的项目,只是那些关键性的全国网络或者重要的区域性网络。这明显是针对美国人的一种应对方法,是一种反制措施,而非真正的开源。在实际的操作过程中,实际上通信级网络的软硬件体系非常庞杂,也没有必要全部开放,关键性的OMC软件,和系统中荐权认证、加解密、各种终端的测量行为和指标,才是应该开放以排除戒心的,而非全部。Huawei在很多领域已经是业内领先了,没必要把自己全部的code都拿出来,那涉及大量的知识产权(毕竟授予第三方监测要冒风险),比如无线设备的功率控制算法和安全有关系吗?那可是华为的强项。
