
今年的双十一购物节临近时 , 外媒又酸了:对于在重燃的疫情中挣扎求生的美国品牌而言,中国市场被证明是为数不多的亮点之一 。


彭博新闻社在近期的一篇报道中称,参与中国最大的年度网络购物节就是最生动的例子,体现了美国消费品牌越来越依赖全球第二大经济体来实现增长 。
China's largest annual online shopping fiesta is only the flashiest example of how American consumer brands have increasingly come to rely on the world's No. 2 economy for growth.
彭博新闻社还用一张图表直观地体现,与中国双十一购物节的成交量相比 , 美国最大的“黑五”购物节逊色许多 。

文章称,作为中国消费的缩影,今年的双十一活动将是自11年前推出以来最有国际影响力的一次,许多美国商家将借此机会首次进军中国市场 。
The festivities, which provide a snapshot of Chinese consumption, will feature the largestinternational presence since the company pioneered the format 11 years ago, including a number of USmerchants making their first forays into the Asian market.
例如雅诗兰黛、耐克等全球知名的美国公司,都在指望中国消费者帮助其弥补因疫情导致的经济损失 。
…companies like EstéeLauder Cos. and Nike Inc. banking on the Chinese consumer to help recoup some of the sales lost in the pandemic-induced global economic slowdown.
据文章统计 , 今年共有2600家国外品牌将在天猫国际首次推出 。
【你身边的这些中国品牌,其实全是美国的】More than 2,600 new foreign brands willbe featured onTmall Global for the first time ever in 2020.
这几年来,中国的双十一购物盛况,早就被外媒“盯上”了 。
美国著名管理咨询公司艾睿铂的董事杰森·昂和迈克尔·麦库尔在接受美国消费者新闻与商业频道(CNBC)采访时表示,参加“双十一”已经变成了一个品牌市场表现的试金石,错过这么大的促销活动,他们承担不起 。
"…[Singles] Day participation hasbecome a barometer of a brand's presence in the market,"AlixPartnersdirectorsJason Ong andMichaelMcCoolsaid in their report.
"Brands arefrequentlyassessed bytheir successin this event, sotheycan't affordtomiss outon a substantial sales drive."
就“双十一”为大品牌提供帮助的电商数据和分析公司艾盛集团的亚洲区董事总经理德克兰·克尼说:“如果你是一个有抱负的品牌,就必须参与进来 。”
"If you're a brand with any ambition, you have to participate," said Declan Kearney, Asia managing director for Edge by Ascential, an e-commerce data and analytics company that helps major brands on Singles Day.
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