好词语大全 词组大全带拼音( 三 )

4. 摆脱烦恼
get rid of/ to be free from worries
例题:得知他心情不好,我建议他与朋友聊聊天,以去除烦恼 。(suggest)
Knowing (that) he is in a bad mood, I suggest his chatting with friends toget rid of /to be free from worries.
5. 彼此埋怨be to blame each other
例题:遇到困难的时候,我们需要的不是彼此埋怨,而是相互帮助 。(not…but)
When (we are) in difficulty / When we meet with difficulties, what we needis not to blame each other but to help each other.
6. 别无选择have no choice but to do
例题:当时,那位出租车司机别无选择,只能求助于游客 。(choice)
At that time the taxi driver had no choice but to turn to thetourist/traveler (for help).
7. 不得而知remain unknown
例题:玛丽是否参加这次英语晚会尚不得而知 。(remain)
It remains unknown whether Mary will attend the English Evening.
8. 不辞而别 leave without saying good-bye
例题:我们对他的不辞而别感到很惊讶 。(without)
We were greatly surprised that he has left without saying goodbye.
9. 不可估量beyond measure
例题:尽管付出的努力不可估量,但那些偏远山城都已通车,这让全国人民感到无比自豪 。(accessible)
Although the efforts made are beyond measure, those remote mountainouscities have been accessible to cars, which makes all the Chinese people / thewhole nation feel very proud/full of pride.
10. 不甚感激appreciate it very much
例题:如果你一收到消息就能给我答复的话,我将不胜感激 。(the moment)
I would appreciate it very much if you could reply to me/give me a replythe moment you receive the message.
11. 不懈努力great effort
例题:尽管各国政府已做出了不懈的努力,但要应对日益严重的全球性气候变暖问题还需制定更有效的措施 。(despite)
Despite the great effort made by governments, more effective measuresshould be made to deal with the ever worsening problem of global warming.
12. 不假思索 without hesitation
例题:吉姆不假思索地回答了老师的问题 。(hesitation)
Jim answered his teacher’s question(s) without (any) hesitation. Jimanswered the question(s) asked by his teacher with no hesitation.
13. 不尽如人意be far from satisfactory
例题:这个地区的经济发展得很快,可使某些市民的素质还不尽如人意 。(quality)
The economy of this area develops very fast but some citizens’ qualitiesare far from satisfactory.
14. 不容忽视should not be ignored/ neglected
例题:这个事故使我们意识到安全问题不容忽视 。(realize)
This accident made us realize that safety problems should not beignored.
例题:防火意识不容忽视,不然的话会对生命和财产造成不可估量的损失 。(neglect)
(The sense of) Fire protection should not be neglected (We should notneglect fire protection), or great damage might be caused to the lives andproperty.
15. 不知所措be/ feel at a loss
例题:网络在我们日常生活中起了举足轻重的作用,以至于当不能上网时人们感到无所适从 。(loss)
Internet plays such an important role in our daily life that people feel ata loss when they can’t go online/ surf the Internet/ don’t have access to theInternet.
例题:消费者对冷冻食品失去信心的事实令生产厂家一筹莫展 。(loss)
The fact that consumers have lost confidence in frozen food makes themanufacturers at a loss.
16. 彻夜未眠
didn’t fall asleep last night/ be awake all night
例题:只喝一杯咖啡就会使我整晚睡不着 。(keep)
Drinking only a cup of coffee will keep me awake all night.
例题:昨晚听到他喜欢的足球获胜的消息,他兴奋得彻夜未眠 。(too…to…)
Hearing the news that his favorite team won the match, he was too excitedto fall asleep last night.
17. 催人泪下people are moved to tears
例题:昨晚残疾人的演出非常成功,让观众们感动得流下了眼泪 。(so…that…)
The performance put up by the disabled/ The disabled people’s performancelast night was so successful that many people were moved to tears.
18. 寸步难行can do nothing without
例题:电脑已触及到每个人的日常生活,难怪有人说当今世界不懂电脑,就寸步难行 。(no wonder)
The computer has touched on everyone’s daily life. No wonder someone saysthat you can do nothing without the knowledge of computer / its knowledge.
19. 大为惊叹be greatly amazed/ impressed
例题:这些十八世纪的油画保存得这样好, 使参观者大为惊叹 。(so …that)
These eighteenth-century oil paintings have been/are preserved so well thatthe visitors are greatly amazed/ impressed.
