

  • 表示“符合”的英语表达有哪些?
  • 符合用英语怎么说,都有哪些词组,例句啊
  • 符合英文怎么说
  • 请问图章上用到的 合格、通过、正常、符合英文怎么说
  • 求汉译英:非常不符合、不符合、中等符合、符合、非常符合 求上述英文单词或短语 还有一个“无法评价"
  • 符合英语单词
conform to 这是最标准的说法,至于其他的不讲究
符合: [ fú hé ]
1. manage
2. in keeping with
3. in accordance with
4. to agree with
5. to correspond with
6. to be in line with
7. to handle
<in line with> <coincide> <measure up to> <accord with> <conform to> <conform> <tally> <cohere with> <accord> <relate> <consilience> <correspond to> <hang together> <get under the wire of> <threefold coincidence> <meet>
1. 这座建筑物不符合安全条例 。
The building does not conform to safety regulations.
2. 不符合这些要求的考生不能上这所大学 。
Candidates who fail to meet these requirements will not be admitted to the University.
3. 所有权构成控制或处置财产或所有权的合法权力的所有要素同时符合的条件
The coincidence of all the elements that constitute the fullest legal right to control and dispose of property or a claim.
4. 不合格的与标准或期望不符合的
Not measuring up to standards or expectations.
5. 这种做法不符合我们的政策.
Such an act would not be in accord with our policy.
accord with;tally with; coincidence;conform to;accord ;be in keeping with例句1.每个字都要死记硬背,每个句子都要符合造句规则 。Every character requires memorization; every sentence must conform to structural imperatives.2.科学则通过证明事物都符合他的假设,来使得世界变得有意义 。Science makes sense of the world by showing how things conform to its hypotheses.3.视觉异常,如果他们不符合这种对真实模拟,就去掉这种视觉效果 。Visual exceptions, if they don't conform to the simulation, break the illusion.4.对于目标的意义的理论,究竟哪一种是正确的?kinect两者都不符合 。Which vision of an object's meaning wins? The kinect does not neatly conform to either theory.5.对那些经常旅行的客户们来说,更大的美国银行将发行那些符合国际标准的智能卡 。
For customers who travel a lot, the bigger american banks will issue smart cards that conform to the international standard.
问题一:符合规定 英文怎么说翻译方式很多《要根据具体语境而定 。例如:
设计符合规定 。
The design 【conforms with the regulations】.
但这些议员辩称,他们的所作所为符合规定 。
These members argued that what they did 【was consistent with the rules】.
符合规定的软件鉴别材料 。
Software identifying material 【is keeping with the rules】.
不符合规定要求的,不得购进和使用 。
Those pharmaceuticals that do not 【meet the requirements】 of relevant regulations shall not be purchased and used.
问题二:符合用英语怎么说,都有哪些词组,例句符合 accord with ; conform to
偶然符合 accidental coincidence ; random coincidence ; chancecoincidence ; random signals
符合标准 measure up ; meet the standards ; Meeting Standards ; meet standard
符合需要 Fit the Bill ; to meet the demand ; serve the purpose ; accord with needing
符合 [fú hé]
(相合) accord with; tally with; conform to; fit; coincide; correspond; satisfy; adjust to; fulfill; play up to; answer; yield; be in keeping with:
meet a criterion; be up to the standard; 符合标准
be in keeping with the aspiration of the people;符合人民的愿望
accord with the demands of the market;符合市场需求
be in the interest of the nation;符合民族利益
be in conformity with the principle;符合原则
tally with the actual situation; conform to reality;符合实际情况
be up to sample;符合货物样品规格
Production of the goods must fit in with the needs of the society.商品生产必须符合社会需要 。
