黑人英语怎么说negro?negro怎么读?( 二 )
5、The Negro who flees the South is really a refugee.逃到南方的黑人就真是一个难民 。
6、The first of all the negro minstrel shows came to town, and made a sensation.一流的黑人演奏队来到城里表演 , 引起了轰动 。
7、It meant that I, a humble Negro girl, had just as much chance as anybody in the sight and love of God.这就意味着 , 我这样一个卑微的黑人女孩 , 也可以像其他人一样有很多机会受到上帝的关注和爱 。
8、White, mulatto, and negro boys and girls were always there waiting their turns to bring water, resting, trading playthings, quarrelling, fighting, skylarking.白人、混血儿和黑人孩子们总是在那儿排队等着提水 , 大家在那里休息 , 交换玩具 , 争吵 , 打架 , 嬉戏 。
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