与直接拒绝相比,这可能显得有些客观,但它让你有的时间去做你真正想做的事情,而不是总是担心如何对待他,也会让你感觉更好 。他可以在不浪费时间的情况下尽快认清现实 。
Compared with direct rejection, this may seem objective, but it gives you more time to do what you really want to do, instead of always worrying about how to treat him, and it also makes you feel better. He can recognize the reality as soon as possible without wasting time.
与情人的绯闻曝光后,他可能不再爱自己的妻子,执意要离婚 。
After the scandal with his lover is exposed, he may no longer love his wife and insist on divorce.
在一段感情中,很多男人大概都是这样的 。如果他们喜欢一个人,他们不会总是观望,而是会采取行动 。
In a relationship, many men are probably like this. If they like someone, they will not always wait and see, but will take action.
You may be ignored and disliked by others;
爱情之花的凋零固然是一件悲伤的事,但转念一想,在错误的时间遇到了错误的人,或许最好的结局也不会相隔太远 。
The fading of the flower of love is a sad thing, but on second thought, if you meet the wrong person at the wrong time, maybe the best ending won't be too far apart.
爱你的人只有在一切顺利的时候才会出现在你的生活中 。一旦遇到什么事情,你就会很不耐烦,赶紧找借口逃跑 。他将永远和以前一样 。一直在你身边 。
The person who loves you will only appear in your life when everything goes well. Once something happens, you will be impatient and quickly find an excuse to run away. He will always be the same as before. Always by your side.
我的大多数年轻朋友都是头脑简单的,所以他们可以坦诚相待,不必谨慎 。
Most of my young friends are simple-minded, so they can be honest with each other without being cautious.
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