吃好,睡好,不要对不值得的人发火,既然你还活着,就好好活着 。
Eat well and sleep well Don't get angry with people who are not worth it Since you are still alive, live well
我不是很温柔,但为了你,我会尽力而为 。
I am not very gentle, but I will do my best for you
即使萤火虫爱上了月亮,它也会想把所有的光都给它 。这与偏好有多强没有关系,是心脏跳动不止 。
Even if the firefly falls in love with the moon, it will want to give all the light to it It doesn't matter how strong the preference is, it's the beating heart
【最火的发朋友圈的句子?刻骨铭心的句子发朋友圈_1】我们过着美丽而幸福的日子,有时肆无忌惮,有时迷茫流泪,为了众多的小伙伴,我们过着美好的生活,却不失可爱,在这个冬天温暖地生活 。
We live a beautiful and happy life, sometimes unbridled, sometimes confused and tearful For the sake of many friends, we live a beautiful life, but we are cute and live warmly this winter
眼睛是一把尺子;在衡量别人之前先衡量自己;在心里有一杆秤,衡量别人和自己 。
The eye is a ruler; Measure yourself before measuring others; There is a scale in my heart to measure others and myself
没有人看着大海,每个人都看着自己破烂不堪的遗憾 。
No one is looking at the sea, everyone is looking at their shabby regrets
我不是很好,你不要介意,你也不需要很好,我只是喜欢这样 。
I'm not good, don't mind, you don't need to be good, I just like it
岁月消逝的记忆必须让我们原谅离别,忘记那个拥抱的温暖 。
The memory of the passing years must make us forgive the parting and forget the warmth of the hug
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