忘记失败,但要记住它 。
Forget failure, but remember it.
他不怕被客户拆穿,他怕的是自己的工作 。
He is not afraid of being exposed by customers. What he is afraid of is his own work.
生活是一座永远不会停止的工厂,在这里没有闲人的地方 。干活!造!
Life is a factory that will never stop. There is no place for idle people here. Work! Make!
有两类人是不可挽救的:一类是不听话的,另一类是听话的 。
There are two kinds of people who cannot be saved: one is disobedient and the other is obedient.
No unprofitable business, no unprofitable business!
一个人之所以会输,就是因为他不相信自己的实力,他相信自己一定会输 。
A person loses because he doesn't believe in his strength. He believes he will lose.
成功的人都有自己的起点 。敢于起步,你就会发现自己的成功之道 。
Successful people have their own starting point. If you dare to start, you will find your way to success.
Where the heart goes and where the gold goes, who can make it?
如果你想要一件东西,那么就大胆地去做吧,不管其他人怎么想,这才是你梦寐以求的东西 。
If you want something, do it boldly. No matter what others think, this is what you dream of.
信任他人,放弃自我,这是很多人一生中最失败的开端 。
Trusting others and giving up self is the most failed beginning of many people's life.
有事者,事成;破而后立,百二秦关终为楚;苦心孤诣,苍天不负;卧薪尝胆,三万越甲可吞吴 。
If something happens, it will be done; After breaking and then establishing, one hundred and two Qinguan pass will eventually become Chu; If you work hard, heaven will live up to it; If you lie down and taste the gall, 30000 Vietnamese armor can swallow Wu.
对一只瞎子来说,一切风向都是逆风 。
For a blind man, all winds are against the wind.
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