A long time ago, dreams were smashed, picked up, pieced together as hard as possible, then smashed, picked up and pieced together again, until one day, they could not be pieced together again
激情澎湃的爱情故事:我现在明白,以前的追求不是迷恋,而是犯罪 。
Passionate love story: I now understand that the previous pursuit was not infatuation, but crime
我从未放弃过对你的爱,只是从激烈到沉默 。
I have never given up my love for you, just from intense to silent
即使是好的关系也不过如此 。
Even if it's a good relationship, that's all
太阳照耀着天空,花儿对我微笑,鸟儿说早安,早安的世界 。
The sun shines in the sky, flowers smile at me, birds say good morning, good morning world
只有当你全力以赴的时候,你才有资格说你不走运 。
Only when you do your best can you be qualified to say that you are unlucky
我想用我唯一的天赋为你编织最美丽的神话 。
I want to weave the most beautiful myth for you with my only talent
但丛林不相信眼泪,没有人能够理解它的孤独 。
But the jungle doesn't believe in tears, and no one can understand its loneliness
无论别人有多好,你仍然是别人 。即使你不是,你仍然是你自己,你自己独特的自我 。只要努力做最好的自己,这在生活中就足够了 。
No matter how nice others are, you are still others Even if you are not, you are still yourself, your unique self As long as you try to be your best, this is enough in life
Friends can be lovers, but lovers cannot be friends
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