商务英语综合教程1课文翻译unit4?新标准商务英语综合教程1答案unite2( 二 )

此后,明智的领导力使古驰获得了前所未有的品牌知名度和成功 。这次的复兴得益于创意总监Tom Ford 总裁兼首席执行官 Domenico De Sole两个人 。从1994年到2004年,汤姆福特负责从服装到香水的所有产品线的设计,并负责集团的企业形象、广告活动和店铺设计 。正是他优雅的眼光,让这个曾经古板的品牌重新站到了富人的背上 。作为当今世界时尚界最有远见的人之一,福特在登顶的道路上获得了诸多赞誉 。


5 Italian-born attorney Domenico De Sole was the other half of this dynamic duo. By integrating elaborate advertising and communication campaigns with a marketing strategy that placed the focus on Gucci's core leather products and ready-to-wear, De Sole brought the much-needed attention back to the quality of the brand while streamlining the back-end of the business and expanding the network of directly operated stores. He has received as many prestigious accolades as Ford, and his efforts were recognized by the European Business Press Federation, which selected Gucci as European company of the year from among 4,000 other companies.
意大利出生的律师多米尼科德索尔是这个充满活力的二人团队的另一半 。通过将精心策划的广告和宣传活动与将重点放在古驰核心皮革产品和成衣上的营销策略相结合,德索尔在精简后端业务和扩大直营店网络的同时,将亟需的注意力带回到品牌的质量上 。他获得了和福特一样多的荣誉,他的努力也得到了欧洲商业出版联合会的认可,该联合会从 4000 家公司中将古驰选为年度欧洲公司 。
6. Strong leadership and an image revamp literally breathed life back into the Gucci brand. Even so, the rocky economic climate of the past few years has made for a really bumpy ride for the luxury goods market. The Gucci Group was among those reporting far fewer profits during that period. Despite the numbers, however, analysts still cite Gucci as one of the stocks with the greatest upside potential, giving it plenty of room for further development.
强大的领导力和形象改造确实为古琦品牌注入了活力 。即便如此,过去几年动荡的经济环境也让奢侈品市场一路颠簸 。在此期间,古驰集团( Gucci Group )是报告利润少得多的公司之一 。不过,尽管数据如此,考虑到为进一步发展提供了充足的空间,分析师们仍认为古驰是上涨潜力最大的股票之一 。
