
Her name was Bel, and she was Gog’s wife. She had a lot of long red hair and she wore an expensive blue dress.
她叫贝尔,是高格的妻子 。她有一头浓密的红色长发,穿着一件昂贵的蓝色裙子 。
Bel liked expensive things. She carried a cat. The cat was black and white: half its face was black and half was white;
贝尓喜欢昂贵的东西 。她抱着一只猫 。那是只黑白相间的猫:
Half its body was black and half was white.
猫脸一半是黑一半白;猫身也是一半黑一半白 。


‘Why are you here? Why do you want to see Earth Commander?’ she asked.
“你们来这儿干嘛?你们为什么要见地球司令?”她问 。
Rilla stood up. ‘How do you do?’ she said. ‘We want to talk to Earth Commander about the AOL.
We have new numbers from the satellite.’
瑞拉站起身 。“你好,”她说,“我们要和地球司令谈谈人工臭氧的事 。
我们从卫星上获得了新数据 。”
Bel’s face was red. ‘The AOL! Earth Commander knows about the AOL, and he is the best man-’
贝尔的脸涨红了:“人工臭氧层 。地球司令知道人工臭氧层的事 。他是最——”

‘Excuse me,’ Kiah said quietly. ‘We want to help Earth Commander.’
“对不起,”凯平静地说,“我们想帮助地球司令 。”
Bel began to laugh. ‘Help? You?’ the cat jumped down and walked across the room.
贝尔笑了:“帮助?你们?”那只猫跳了下来走到房间的另一头 。
‘How can you help? Why can’t you understand? Listen. Earth Commander is working on the spaceship for Mars.
【在月亮下面读书笔记英语?在月亮下面英语读物】“你们怎么帮他?你们怎么不明白呢?听着,地球司令正忙着制造火星的飞船 。

It’s difficult and expensive work.’ the cat jumped on to Rilla’s chair and looked at her with its yellow eyes.
这可是既费力又费钱的工作 。”那只猫跳到瑞拉的椅子上,黄色的眼睛看着她 。
‘Two years ago, Adai wanted more money for the AOL-and Earth Commander sent him to the colony under the Moon.
“两年前,阿岱想为人工臭氧层要的钱——地球司令把他送到了月亮下面的部族 。
Now you’re talking about the AOL..Do you want to go to the Moon,too?’
