All these show the same fact, that is, he has long given up this relationship, he just wants to leave early, and as far as your feelings are concerned, he just doesn't care anymore.
如果你也对她有好感,你不妨主动出击 。毕竟,爱需要说出来,你站出来,也许你的故事可以开始 。
If you also like her, you might as well take the initiative. After all, love needs to be said, and you stand out, so maybe your story can begin.
【感慨积极向上的句子?积极向上的心得体会一句话】想一想,无论你的能力如何,你已经奉献了你的大部分生命,至少是为你的家庭服务 。
Think about it, no matter what your ability is, you have already devoted most of your life, at least serving your family.
一点一点地,慢慢地退出他的世界,也慢慢地退出他的感情,使他不再继续喜欢他 。
Little by little, slowly withdraw from his world, and slowly withdraw from his feelings, so that he no longer likes him.
有一些诚实的人比聪明的人更好,所以不要低估他们 。
Some honest people are better than smart people, so don't underestimate them.
Watch and follow endlessly.
拒绝你的人,当他们不想接受你的心时,你不必觉得时机不对,对你不够好,你没有用对方法,它不存在,爱没有那么多借口,它不同意,它不是这样的 。
People who refuse you, when they don't want to accept your heart, don't feel that the time is wrong, they are not good enough for you, you don't use the right method, it doesn't exist, love doesn't have so many excuses, it doesn't agree, and it doesn't.
他们会说很多话,做很多事,要告诉别人他们是对的,别人是错的 。
They will talk a lot, do a lot of things and tell others that they are right and others are wrong.
关键是一个人的内心感受是否以任何方式被这种关系所助长 。
The key is whether a person's inner feelings are encouraged by this relationship in any way.
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