惊艳过我和你的那些句子 , 走心至极 , 经典又文艺
青春是一种分离 , 我们在这里相遇 , 然后各奔东西 。但是 , 在有分离的地方 , 我相信会有重聚 。
Youth is a kind of separation We meet here and go our separate ways However, where there is separation, I believe there will be reunion
男人在恋爱时最常说的话是 "我爱你 , 我真的爱你" 。妇女在结婚时最常问的问题是:"你还爱我吗?说实话!"
When men are in love, the most common words are "I love you, I really love you" The most common question asked by women when they get married is: "Do you still love me? Tell the truth! "
青春就在轨道的尽头 。
Youth is at the end of the track
Do you think there's something wrong with not talking to me?
拥抱浪漫 , 芬芳着岁月的记忆 , 感受温柔 , 照亮了我的世界 , 你的微笑甜蜜了我的心情 , 你的爱陶醉了我的美梦 。我心的沉淀 , 这种没有你的生活 , 我做不到!
Embrace romance, fragrance the memory of years, feel tenderness, light up my world, your smile sweetens my mood, and your love intoxicates my dream The precipitation of my heart, this kind of life without you, I can't do it!
一旦我们走在一起 , 向对方倾吐心声 , 这就是最美好的时刻 。
Once we walk together and pour out our hearts to each other, this is the best moment
这一次只是运气不好 , 但也有一些幸运的遭遇 。
This time it was just bad luck, but there were some lucky encounters
我的手太大了 , 拿不了多少 。
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