Mom said she wanted to be a son-in-law from the praise comments
幸福不是得到的东西多,而是抱怨少 。不严格要求别人,遇事不抱怨 。只有善于控制自己感情和内心的人,才能得到平静,感受幸福的滋味 。
Happiness is not getting more things, but complaining less Don't be strict with others, don't complain when things happen Only those who are good at controlling their feelings and hearts can get peace and feel the taste of happiness
我住在没有你的城市,尽管如此,我还是用各种方式关注着你的生活 。作为一个路人,心酸,你的喜怒哀乐都不是针对我的 。
【搞笑的句子发朋友圈的表达心情好?适合发朋友圈的经典语录伤感人生感悟】I live in a city without you However, I still pay attention to your life in various ways As a passer-by, sadness, your emotions are not aimed at me
只有轻描淡写,深藏其中,才能立于不败之地 。
Only by understatement and hiding in it can we be in an invincible position
刚开始来日本很久,觉得什么都有机会,但人心易变,随时间疏远,挥手就无期了 。
When I first came to Japan for a long time, I felt that there was an opportunity for everything, but people's hearts were fickle and alienated with time, and there was no time to wave
没有命运的不幸,只有死也不放手的执着 。
There is no misfortune of fate, only the persistence of death and not letting go
爱总是在通往日落的路上 。
Love is always on the way to sunset
半夜去厕所后,手脚发冷钻进被窝,有人在意识模糊中拼命把你抱在他怀里 。那个温柔真的很富有敌国 。
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