你是落日弥漫的橘 天边透亮的星 。
You are a sunset filled with orange and a bright star in the sky.
夏天有着迟暮的霞光,正如晚来的你皆是笑意 。
Summer has a sunset glow, just as you are smiling when you come late.
日落不会逃跑 逃跑的只有美好 。
Sunset will not escape, only beauty.
我在人间贩卖黄昏 只为收集世间温柔去见你 。
I sell dusk in the world just to collect the tenderness of the world to see you.
想把夏天的橘色汽水 卖给颜料用完的梵高 。
Want to sell summer orange soda to Van Gogh who has run out of paint.
日落跌进迢迢星野,人间忽晚,山河已秋 。
The sunset falls into the distant starry fields. Suddenly it is late in the world, and the mountains and rivers are autumn.
世界变化不停 人潮川流不息 我只想每个落日 身边都有你 。
The world is changing and the crowd is flowing. I just want to have you around every sunset.
今天晚霞温柔,风也醉人 。
【描写日落的温柔句子?日落的唯美的句子】Today, the sunset is gentle and the wind is intoxicating.
看过很多次日落 每次都想起你 。
I've seen many sunsets and think of you every time.
夕阳既逝去,昔日的怅惘不悦,也于此间尽融吧 。
Since the sunset is gone, let's melt the past sadness and unhappiness here.
夕阳总会落在你身上 你也会快乐一场
The sunset will always fall on you, and you will be happy
日落,等到落日余晖后,便是满天繁星 。
At sunset, after the sunset, the sky is full of stars.
At sunset, the golden light is the tenderness of the sunset
日落,日落不归属任何人,但又是每个人都向往的浪漫 。
Sunset, sunset does not belong to anyone, but it is the romance everyone yearns for.
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