描写百合花的英语作文?形容百合花的唯美短句( 三 )

(15) The buds of lilies will also send out bursts of fragrance, light and pleasant. In the evening, if you stand in front of it, you will smell bursts of fragrance, all of which make people drop three feet.
(16)、百合花的叶子十分漂亮,绿油油的,衬托着花朵 。绿叶不可说四季常青,但绿起来却绿着可爱,青翠欲滴,悄悄地流进人们的记忆中让人无论在何时何地,都会想起百合花的叶子 。
(16) The leaves of lilies are very beautiful and green, setting off the flowers. Green leaves can not be said to be evergreen all the year round, but green is lovely and green. It quietly flows into people's memory, so that people will think of the leaves of Lily no matter when and where.


(17)、百合花不但秀丽无比,而且十分高贵,使许多的文人为它吟颂、赞美 。百合花含苞怒放时能释放出强烈的挥发性物质,能净化空气,防止大气污染,还能振奋人们的精神,使人有心情舒畅的感觉 。
(17) Lily is not only very beautiful, but also very noble, which makes many scholars sing and praise for it. When the lily is in full bloom, it can release strong volatile substances, purify the air, prevent air pollution, stimulate people's spirit and make people feel comfortable.
(18)、百合花常见有两种颜色,一种是白色,代表的是纯洁,善良;另一种是粉红色的,人们常在结婚喜庆的时候摆上,因为粉红色代表爱情百年好合 。
(18) Lily has two common colors. One is white, which represents purity and kindness; The other is pink. People often put it on when they are getting married, because pink represents love for a hundred years.
