There are purposeful searches, but most of them have not been found Everything in heaven and earth is under his control
只有在你温柔的时候,你才会学会记住 。
Only when you are gentle will you learn to remember
我总是不知所措,但我真的很高兴遇到你 。
I am always at a loss, but I am really glad to meet you
如果一个人坚强,困难就微不足道;如果一个人勇敢,危险就可以忽略不计 。
If a person is strong, the difficulties are insignificant; If a person is brave, the danger can be ignored
每天多一点是成功的开始;每天多一点的创新是领导力的开始;每天多一点的学习是进步的开始;每天多一点的进步是卓越的开始 。
A little more every day is the beginning of success; A little more innovation every day is the beginning of leadership; A little more study every day is the beginning of progress; A little more progress every day is the beginning of excellence
我只是希望我能看着你每天早上醒来 。
I just wish I could watch you wake up every morning
你认为你所失去的只是一个借口,看你淹没在清醒中 。
You think what you have lost is just an excuse to see you drown in sobriety
爱的悖论是,爱的程度通常只有在分离时才会显现 。
The paradox of love is that the degree of love usually only appears when we are apart
我害怕这突如其来的消息会摧毁我长久以来的期望 。
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