富有哲理的朋友圈短句?干净有内涵的朋友圈 一句话

日常生活品质的优劣并不取决于我们所做之事,而取决于做事的方法 。
【富有哲理的朋友圈短句?干净有内涵的朋友圈 一句话】The quality of daily life does not depend on what we do, but on the way we do things.
在这个你看我我看你的社会里,所谓的正确不过就是与他人相似而已 。
In this society where you see me and I see you, the so-called right is just like others.

富有哲理的朋友圈短句?干净有内涵的朋友圈 一句话

做你自己,说出你的感受,因为那些介意的人对你不重要,而对你重要的人不会介意 。
Be yourself and say how you feel, because those who mind are not important to you, and those who matter to you won't mind.
人生如同故事 。重要的并不再有多长,而是在有多好 。
Life is like a story. What matters is not how long it is, but how good it is.
富有哲理的朋友圈短句?干净有内涵的朋友圈 一句话

只要你有一件合理的事去做,你的生活就会显得特别美好 。
As long as you have a reasonable thing to do, your life will look particularly beautiful.
王尔德:切莫垂头丧气,即使失去了一切,你还握有未来 。
Wilde: don't be discouraged. Even if you lose everything, you still have the future.
富有哲理的朋友圈短句?干净有内涵的朋友圈 一句话

我们不肯探索自己本身的价值,我们过分看重他人在自己生命里的参与 。
We refuse to explore our own value. We attach too much importance to the participation of others in our lives.
"From the rose of your time, tear off a petal and fall into the water of my life"
富有哲理的朋友圈短句?干净有内涵的朋友圈 一句话

快乐的人,在黑夜中也会绽出笑容;凄苦的人,即使睡着了,梦中也滴泪 。
Happy people will also smile in the night; Sad people, even if they fall asleep, cry in their dreams.
发光不是太阳的权利,你也可以 。
Luminescence is not the right of the sun, you can.
富有哲理的朋友圈短句?干净有内涵的朋友圈 一句话

说出来会被嘲笑的梦想,才有实现的价值 。
A dream that will be laughed at is worth realizing.
世间最美好的东西,莫过于有几个头脑和心得都很正直的朋友 。
The best thing in the world is to have a few friends who are honest in mind and heart.
富有哲理的朋友圈短句?干净有内涵的朋友圈 一句话

我对青春的界定是,一个人是否有学习和创造的能力 。
My definition of youth is whether a person has the ability to learn and create.
如今是这样一个时代,看得太多而没有时间欣赏,写的太多而没有时间思想 。
Today is an era where you see too much and have no time to appreciate, and write too much and have no time to think.
