生活是艰难的,但你必须要有爱心 。
Life is hard, but you must have love
"先说服,后争论,对女孩特别有效 。"
"Persuading before arguing is especially effective for girls"
一百万个影子不能堆积到一毫米,就像我再爱你也没有意义一样 。
A million shadows can't be piled up to a millimeter, just like it's meaningless for me to love you again
困扰我的从来都不是对我的信息回复过晚,而是我多次感到失望和疑惑,当时你的粗心和忽视总是让我不确定我在你心中的位置 。
What bothers me is never the late reply to my information, but I feel disappointed and confused many times At that time, your carelessness and neglect always made me uncertain about my position in your heart
每一天都是新的挑战,兴奋之情无以复加 。
Every day is a new challenge, and I can't be more excited
你要的甜食的味道和别人给你的甜食的味道是不同的,就像你和理解你的人一起吃饭时,饭菜的味道更好 。
The taste of the sweets you want is different from that given to you by others, just like when you eat with someone who understands you, the food tastes better
不要给自己施加压力,我们不需要跟随时间,我们只需要跟随我们的精神和能力,跟随我们的命运,尽我们最大的努力,实现我们的命运,要求我们想要的东西,剩下的就交给天堂 。
Don't put pressure on yourself, we don't need to follow the time, we just need to follow our spirit and ability, follow our destiny, do our best to realize our destiny, ask for what we want, and give the rest to heaven
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