
好话一句三冬暖 , 恶语伤人六月寒 。


A good word three winter warm, unkind words hurt cold June.

如果你快乐再不是为我 , 会不会放手其实才是拥有 。

If you happy is not for me, will let go is actually have.
There's no need to frown over trifles
能者多劳 , 那你能吧 , 我不能 。
You can do it. I can't.
凉透了身体 , 有得治 , 凉透了心 , 也许就没得治了 。
Cool through the body, have to treat, cool through the heart, perhaps did not have to treat.
所谓白头到老 , 没什么秘诀 , 只是在相爱时 , 存下点感动 , 在冷战时 , 懂一些感恩
The so-called lasting together, there is no secret, just in love, save a little touched, in the cold war, know some gratitude
你是什么血型?A型 。不 , 是我的理想型 。
What's your blood type?Type A.No, it's my ideal type.
你永远不懂我伤悲 , 就像白天不懂夜的黑 。
You will never understand my sorrow, just like the day does not understand the black night.
喜欢你是我一个人的事 , 不需要谁的允许 。
Like you is my own thing, do not need whose permission.
遇见一个人 , 然后 , 生命全改变 , 原来不是恋爱才有的情节 。
Meet a person, and then, life changes, the original is not in love just some plot.
如果你看不出我的口是心非 , 我也不要让你看见我的眼泪 。
If you can't see my duplicity, I don't want you to see my tears.
无论你转身或是回来 , 我的心就在那里 , 你爱或不爱 。
No matter you turn around or come back, my heart is there, you love or not.
