通常情况下,大部分男性都会扮演这个角色 。当他们遇到喜欢的女人时,会主动追求 。
Usually, most men will play this role. When they meet a woman they like, they will actively pursue it.
更何况,经历了这一切,她还会假装是你的好朋友 。如果你责怪她,她会说你太认真了 。
What's more, after all this, she will pretend to be your good friend. If you blame her, she will say that you are too serious.
【三观超正超干净的句子?三观很正很干净的句子】你要做的就是感受当下,创造更好的未来 。
All you have to do is feel the present and create a better future.
和一个人在一起是不可能的 。可能是我们没有勇气去争取,错过了对方 。可能是对方根本不爱我们 。无论我们怎么努力,都可能是因为误会而分开,无法重新开始 。
It's impossible to be with one person. Maybe we didn't have the courage to fight for it and missed each other. Maybe the other party doesn't love us at all. No matter how hard we try, we may be separated by misunderstanding and unable to start again.
所以,忍住是一种智慧 。
Therefore, holding back is a kind of wisdom.
有时候,你不是没心没肺,而是活得很开心 。
Sometimes, instead of being heartless, you live happily.
因为阅历浅,头脑实际,猜不透人心,也不觉得敷衍 。
Because of my shallow experience, practical mind, doubting people's hearts, I don't feel perfunctory.
但是,还是有相当多的情侣根本无法沟通 。他们根本不吵架 。三观完全不同 。他们的生活一点都不好,都觉得很折磨人 。
However, there are still quite a few couples who can't communicate at all. They don't quarrel at all. Three views are completely different. Their life is not good at all, and they all feel very torturous.
相爱的喜悦让你觉得感情无敌 。没想到,走路的时候有些东西会变 。
The joy of loving makes you feel invincible. Unexpectedly, some things will change when walking.
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