- 通配符号写最右
# 以%开头,索引失效,变成全表扫描mysql> explain select * from tuser where name like '%fdco' G;*************************** 1. row ***************************id: 1select_type: SIMPLEtable: tuserpartitions: NULLtype: ALLpossible_keys: NULLkey: NULLkey_len: NULLref: NULLrows: 7filtered: 14.29Extra: Using where# 以%结尾,可以使用到索引mysql> explain select * from tuser where name like 'fdco%' G;*************************** 1. row ***************************id: 1select_type: SIMPLEtable: tuserpartitions: NULLtype: rangepossible_keys: idx_name_age_sexkey: idx_name_age_sexkey_len: 303ref: NULLrows: 1filtered: 100.00Extra: Using index condition# 如果业务上只需要返回索引中的字段,则可以将*改为索引字段,形成覆盖索引,可以提升性能mysql> explain select name,age,sex from tuser where name like '%fdcofd' G;*************************** 1. row ***************************id: 1select_type: SIMPLEtable: tuserpartitions: NULLtype: indexpossible_keys: NULLkey: idx_name_age_sexkey_len: 312ref: NULLrows: 7filtered: 14.29Extra: Using where; Using index
- 字符要加单引号
# 字符串类型的字段,传入一个数字类型,导致索引失效全表扫描mysql> explain select * from tuser where name = 7 G;*************************** 1. row ***************************id: 1select_type: SIMPLEtable: tuserpartitions: NULLtype: ALLpossible_keys: idx_name_age_sexkey: NULLkey_len: NULLref: NULLrows: 7filtered: 14.29Extra: Using where# 数字类型的age可以传入字符串的数字,索引有效,但不建议这样去使用mysql> explain select * from tuser where name = 'ccc' and age = '7' and sex = 'M' G;*************************** 1. row ***************************id: 1select_type: SIMPLEtable: tuserpartitions: NULLtype: refpossible_keys: idx_name_age_sexkey: idx_name_age_sexkey_len: 312ref: const,const,constrows: 1filtered: 100.00Extra: NULL
- 索引字段不用or
# 5.7版本测试下,同一个索引字段用or时可以使用到索引的mysql> explain select * from tuser where loginname = 'fd' or loginname = 'coffee' G*************************** 1. row ***************************id: 1select_type: SIMPLEtable: tuserpartitions: NULLtype: rangepossible_keys: idx_loginnamekey: idx_loginnamekey_len: 303ref: NULLrows: 2filtered: 100.00Extra: Using index condition#5.7版本测试下,不同索引字段用or则变成全表扫描mysql> explain select * from tuser where name='fdcoffee' or age = 7 G*************************** 1. row ***************************id: 1select_type: SIMPLEtable: tuserpartitions: NULLtype: ALLpossible_keys: idx_name_age_sexkey: NULLkey_len: NULLref: NULLrows: 7filtered: 26.53Extra: Using where# 同上mysql> explain select * from tuser where name='fdcoffee' and age = 7 or sex = 'M' G*************************** 1. row ***************************id: 1select_type: SIMPLEtable: tuserpartitions: NULLtype: ALLpossible_keys: idx_name_age_sexkey: NULLkey_len: NULLref: NULLrows: 7filtered: 16.03Extra: Using where
索引优化优化索引,其实就是要遵守索引的使用规则,然后避免出现导致索引失效的情况 。通过EXPLAIN可以发现索引失效的情况,然后按照使用规则纠正即可 。下面是流传的优化口诀,简单实用易记 。全值匹配我最爱,最左前缀要遵守;
不等空值还有or,索引失效要少用 。
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