让人无法抗拒的英文情话( 二 )

十三、珍贵的东西总是罕有 , 所以这世上只有一个你 。
Precious things are very few. That is the reason there is just one you.
十四、我这一生唯一的亮点就是遇见了你 , 仿佛后来遇见再多的人 , 都是为了告诉我你有多重要 。
The only bright spot in my life was meeting you. It seems that no matter how many people I met later ,they all wanted to tell me how important you were.
十五、我不是碰不到更好的人 , 而是因为已经有了你 , 我不想再碰到更好的 。
It's not that I can't meet anyone better ,it's just that I already have you and I don't want to meet anyone better.
十六、我浪费光阴虚度岁月的时候 , 觉得人间不过如此 。 但爱上你之后我开始渴望长命百岁 , 人间不值得 , 但你值得 。
When I wasted my time and wasted my days ,I thought this was all there was to the world. But after falling in love with you ,I began to yearn for a long life. The world is not worth it ,but you are.
