?Coins generally refer to all the currencies used by various countries in ancient times, which can not be circulated in the market. Because the ancient coins are no longer issued, the stock is scarce, and they are inseparable from the ancient human life. They are very important historical materials for the study of economic history and diplomatic history of various countries, so they have high collection and archaeological value. Different types of ancient coins have totally different values. Some of them are of high value, while others are ignored. Understand the ancient coins themselves and then preserve them. The preservation of ancient coins is just like the sea, which has everything in it. It not only touches the ancient coins of various dynasties, but also connects the differences of various ancient coins.
Guangxu Yuanbao was the first currency in circulation in the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Guangdong and Guangdong provinces, first introduced British coin making machines to cast silver and copper coins. Later, all provinces followed suit, with 19 provinces making coins. It is one of the first batch of printing and distributing currency to introduce overseas technology, which also has a certain historical significance for today. And when the system of ten Wen more, when the system of 20 Wen less, with a very high collection value, now the market genuine one coin is hard to find!
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