When you realize that you have done something wrong and have taken the wrong path, what you should do is to correct your mistakes and adjust your direction in time, instead of constantly regretting your mistakes.当你认识到做错了事 , 走错了路 , 应该做的是及时地改正错误 , 调整方向 , 而不是为错误而不断地懊悔 。
Because the past is over, you can no longer redesign. Regret, and will make you lose the opportunity now. Since the milk has been spilled, don't cry for it anymore.因为 , 过去的已经过去 , 你再也无法重新设计 。 而后悔 , 又会让你失去现在的机会 。 牛奶既然已经打翻 , 就不要再为它哭泣 。
Life is like a fallen leaf, conform to nature, and be at ease with the situation. Everything needs to be at any time, anywhere, and at will. Don't worry about yourself for external interference, don't abandon yourself for external erosion, you should be like fallen leaves, flashing the different colors of the four seasons in your life.人生如落叶 , 顺应自然 , 随遇而安 , 一切均需随时 , 随地 , 随便 , 更需随缘 。 不为外界的干扰而自寻烦恼 , 不为外力的侵蚀而自弃 , 应像落叶一样 , 用自己的一生闪现出四季不同的色彩 。
【人生很短,何必执着?生活很累,何必苛刻?】If it comes, it will be safe. Since God brought you into this adversity, then he must have left you a way out. The saddest thing in the world is to see hope in despair, and to grasp hope clearly, but hope is shattered. It is an attitude to life, a skill of life, and a state of life.既来之 , 则安之 。 既然老天让你来到这个逆境 , 那么他一定给你留下了退路 。 世上最悲伤的事 , 莫过于在绝望中看到希望 , 明明快要抓住希望了 , 希望却破灭了 。 随遇而安 , 是一种生活的态度 , 也是一种生活的技巧 , 更是一种生活的境界 。
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