Photo from Pexels by Polina Tankilevitch
Sachiko Horiguchi, a socio-cultural and medical anthropologist at Japan's Temple University, thinks there are better ways for the government to bump up the birth rate than subsidising AI matchmaking - such as helping young people earning low wages.
天普大学日本分校的社会文化和医学人类学家堀口幸子认为 , 政府有比补贴人工智能配对更好的方法来提高生育率 , 比如给那些低工资的年轻人提供帮助 。
She pointed to a recent report which suggests a link between lower income levels and the loss of interest in romantic relationships among young Japanese adults.
她指出 , 最近的一份研究报告表明 , 日本年轻成人的低收入水平和无心谈恋爱有关联 。
"If they're not interested in dating, the matchmaking would likely be ineffective," Dr Horiguchi told the BBC. "If we are to rely on technologies, affordable AI robots taking over household or childcare tasks may be more effective."
堀口博士告诉BBC称:“如果他们对约会没兴趣 , 那么婚恋配对很可能没有效果 。 如果我们要依靠技术来解决问题 , 让平价的智能机器人帮忙干家务或照顾孩子可能会更有效 。 ”
Analysts have long pointed towards the lack of support for working mothers in Japan, where there are strong expectations women will do all the housework and raise children alongside doing their jobs.
很早以前 , 分析人员就指出日本的职场母亲缺乏支持 , 日本社会有一种很强的观念 , 认为女性除了工作 , 还应该包揽全部家务并养育孩子 。
The government has said it wants to encourage more women into full-time employment in recent years but the gender gap has grown.
近年来日本政府表示 , 想鼓励更多女性做全职工作 , 但是性别鸿沟却一直在扩大 。
Japan ranked 121st out of 153 countries in a 2019 report on gender equality by the World Economic Forum, slipping down 11 places from the year before.
世界经济论坛2019年关于性别平等的一份报告显示 , 日本在153个国家中排名第121位 , 相比前一年下滑了11位 。
【日本|为提高生育率 日本拟资助人工智能“红娘”】来源:中国日报网
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