
养过猫的人都知道猫主子有多会使唤人 。 “让我出去、让我进来、给我罐头、我要吃别的 。 ”这些聪明的小猫咪是如何让我们心甘情愿听命行事的呢?《当代生物学》(Current Biology)上的研究表明 , 秘密全在它们提出要求的叫唤声中 。
萨塞克斯大学(University of Sussex)的凯伦·麦康布(Karen McComb)自己养了一只猫 , 当她意识到这只小猫会在早上用介于呼噜声和呼叫声之间的混声猫叫把她从床上拖起来 , 她就着手研究猫咪那具有说服力的叫声 。 麦康布还收集了其他猫咪的叫声录音 , 返回实验室后她发现……[查看全文]
Cat Call Coerces Can Opening
Anyone who’s ever had a cat knows how demanding they can be. Let me out, let me in, give me food, give me different food. The list goes on. But how do these clever kitties convince us to do their bidding? A study in the July 14 issue of Current Biology suggests it’s all in how they ask.
【猫主子|对猫主子唯命是从的你,大概是中了它的“喵喵魔咒”】Karen McComb of the University of Sussex started studying persuasive cat calls after realizing that her own pet used a hybrid between a purr and a cry to get her out of bed in the morning. McComb got recordings of other cat calls. And back in the lab, she found that...[full transcript]
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