
希望你变得像黄昏一样迷人 , 偶尔还有点热烈Hope becomes as enchanting as the evening, and occasionally a little hot.
僵尸也变得像黄昏一样迷人 , 这样我就不用在意任何人 。
Zombies also become as charming as dusk, so I don't have to care about anyone.

我觉得自己可以 , 哪怕我做不到我 , 但是我觉得人生就应该勇敢和努力一点 。
I think I can, even if I can't do it, but I think life should be brave and try a little harder
不要像我一样 , 因为我没有做最正确的选择 , 而你让我有了热切地希望 。
not to be like me, because I did not make the most correct choice, and you let me have a keen hope.
本来我一个人行走在世间 , 觉得我自己的人生早就改变不了 , 可是你的突然出现 , 让我觉得一些下一都在我的世界里 。
Originally I was a person walking in the world, think my own life would not have changed, but your sudden appearance, let me feel some of the next in my world.

无论如何 , 日历总要被翻过 , 生活还要继续 , 你要找对最对的了 。
Anyway, the calendar has to be flipped, life goes on, and you have to find the right one.
让你成可以成为我的唯一只属于你我的青春记忆 。
Let you become my only belong to you and my youth memory.
你可能干过很多浪漫的事儿 , 但只有我这是属于你的浪漫时分 。
You may have done a lot of romantic things, but I'm the only one for you.

希望有一天 , 我们不再互道晚安 , 而是在彼此身边学会珍惜 。
I hope one day, we no longer say good night to each other, but in each other's side to learn to cherish.
我知道有很多东西那没钱 , 但当我说出口的那一刻 , 才是爱你爱的认真 。
I know there are a lot of things that have no money, but when I say the moment, is love you love seriously.
恋爱里 , 你就是我的全部十分 , 我只介意你的笑意 。
In love, you are all my ten, I only care about your smile
