经济日报|大自然再发警告!( 二 )
Commenting on this landmark report, Jennifer Morris – Chief Executive Officer of The Nature Conservancy – said:
无论在哪一年 , WEF这份最新的报告都值得一读、令人深思 。 在新冠肺炎疫情背景下 , 这份报告尤为难得 , 它指出了一个更好的前进方向 。
In any given year, the findings of this latest WEF report would make for a thought-provoking read. Against the backdrop of COVID-19, they feel particularly sobering—but they also point to a better way forward.
这场突如其来的疫情扰乱了世界各地的生产和生活 。
The pandemic has disrupted lives, livelihoods, and communities around the world.
自然保护工作也因此受到了严重影响 , 从影响野生动物保护区的正常运转 , 到被迫推迟原定于2020年这一罕见“超级年”召开的几个重要环境峰会——
The conservation space has been deeply impacted, too, from impeding the enforcement of protected wildlife areas, to forcing the postponement of much of 2020’s rare ‘Super Year’ of major environmental summits –
经济日报|大自然再发警告!。实际上是将一系列对地球至关重要的政策决定推迟了12个月 。 大自然根本不能让我们再浪费时间 。
effectively deferring a host of planet-critical policy decisions for another 12 months. Nature simply cannot afford for us to waste any more time.
世界各地的企业、政府和社区可以共同努力 , 推动我们走向一个自然对社会的价值得到广泛理解 , 并采取集体行动对其加以保护的未来 。
Businesses, governments, and communities around the world can work together to move us toward a future where nature’s value to society is widely understood and we take collective steps to protect it.
WEF的这份报告明确了企业在扭转数十年来环境退化、人为造成的气候变化和物种丧失方面可以发挥主导作用的具体方式 ,
WEF’s report highlights specific ways in which the corporate sector in particular, can take a lead role in reversing decades of environmental degradation, human-driven climate change and species loss—
并强调那些愿意迅速接受这一前所未有规模变化的组织的潜在商业利益 。
and highlights potential business benefits for those organizations willing to rapidly embrace this unprecedented scale of change.
知易行难 , 特别是对如此大规模的系统变革而言 。
None of this will be easy – system change at this scale never is.
WEF的报告强调 , 到2030年前 , 改变我们饮食、生活、增长、建设和使用能源的方式以应对气候变化、阻止生物多样性丧失 , 是我们的一项集体责任 。
WEF’s report underlines that it is our collective responsibility to transform the ways in which we eat, live, grow, build, and power our lives to address climate change and halt biodiversity loss by 2030.
路径和政策建议表明 , 在吸取此次疫情教训的基础上 , 我们可以再接再厉 , 共同努力 , 为人类和地球创造一个更加光明、更加安全的未来 。
The roadmap and policy recommendations outlined show that we can build on lessons learned from the pandemic and work together with the necessary urgency to create a brighter and more secure future for people and the planet.
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