美国贸易顾问纳瓦罗 “甩锅中国”遭群嘲 被骂上了热搜
新冠病毒来源始终存疑 , 但还是有人不能直面美国抗疫不力的现实 , 并一直在玩阴谋论 , 不断甩锅给中国!白宫贸易顾问彼得 纳瓦罗(Peter Navarro)再次信口雌黄泼脏水给中国 , 却遭微软全国广播公司(MSNBC)节目主持人阿里 维尔希(Ali Velshi)质疑 。 纳瓦罗出尽了洋相 , 被网友群嘲 。
周五 , 白宫贸易顾问纳瓦罗接受MSNBC采访 , 当被问及关于贸易协定的问题时 , 他的回答使人大跌眼镜 。 他所答非所问地直接谈起了新冠肺炎疫情 , 并再次信口开河地“甩锅”中国 , 称是中国导致了美国人被迫居家隔离、丢失工作 。 他甚至污蔑中国“大量制造”病毒并故意让成千上万冠状病毒感染者离开中国 , “将病毒传播到美国” 。
On Friday ,Donald Trump‘s top trade adviser Navarro was asked about the trade agreement on MSNBC 。Navarro did not answer the question but directly talked about the coronavirus 。Navarro claimed that China is responsible for forcing Americans to “stay locked in our homes and lose our jobs 。 ” China “spawned the virus , ” Navarro slandered 。“They hid the virus 。They sent hundreds of thousands of Chinese nationals over here to seed and spread the virus before we knew 。 ”
对于这些毫无根据的惊人言论 , 主持人维尔希也听不下去了 , 不得不打断纳瓦罗询问对方 , “成千上万的人是谁?你到底在说什么?”
In the face of these unfounded remarks ,the MSNBC host Velshi had to interrupt Navarro to ask: “Who are hundreds of thousands of people? What are you talking about?”
而纳瓦罗继续重复他那几句陈词滥调“中国制造了病毒” , “掠夺了世界医疗物资” , “中国故意传播病毒”等 。 但维尔希反复求证 , “你是否有证据证明他们是故意传播病毒的?你用‘大量制造’(spawn)这个词 , 你是否认为他们是故意的?”
对此问题 , 纳瓦罗先是回答 ,“他们是否故意并不重要” , 又自相矛盾地指责中国 , “他们是故意这样做的 , 他们在国内采取封城措施的同时 , 又故意地允许中国公民到美国、意大利和世界其他地方传播病毒 。 ”
However ,Navarro repeated himself and tacked on another layer of conspiracy 。Asked if China was acting deliberately ,Navarro first said it didn‘t matter 。But then said they did ,and said that his stated “fact” was true 。Then ,he charged: “What they deliberately did — and this is beyond reproach in terms of a fact — they knowingly allowed Chinese nationals to come to the United States ,Italy and everywhere in between who were infected while they were locking down their own domestic transportation network 。 ”
在维尔希反复追问纳瓦罗是否有证据证明中国是故意而为之后 , 纳瓦罗情绪激动到“手舞足蹈” , 气急败坏地反问:“你不同意吗 , 阿里?难道你不同意这是事实吗?”
就在纳瓦罗还想喋喋不休地继续污蔑中国时 , 维尔希实在不想继续听他的借口了 , 强行打断了纳瓦罗 , 发出了一连串质问:“即使你说的那些是真的 , 那为什么美国现在7天新增确诊数字比其他任何国家都高出这么多?当别的国家都有能力遏制病毒时 , 什么时候才应该讨论我们的问题?”
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