有人告诉我说 , 爱情是个恐怖的假话 , 那么 , 一厢情愿的单恋该恐怖成什么样子?
Someone told me that love is a terrible lie, so what is the horror of wishful unrequited love?
天空下起了雨 , 这伤心的样子容貌 , 和我哭泣时一模一样 。
It began to rain, and it looked exactly the same as when I cried.
夏日的雨 , 老是这么的率性 , 喜欢突如其来 , 然后将我的思绪 , 带的遍地都是 。 Summer rain, always so wayward, like to come all of a sudden, and then bring my thoughts everywhere.
不知道为什么 , 总有那么一首歌 , 可以让我想起了你 , 又总有那么一个你 , 可以让我想起一首歌 。
Do not know why, there is always a song, can remind me of you, and there is always a you, can remind me of a song.
每当天空下起了大雨 , 我总在想 , 天空或许本来就是一片汪洋 , 只是多了些寂寞 , 所以要落入人间 , 融入江山 。 Whenever it rains heavily, I always think that the sky may be a vast ocean, but a little more lonely, so I want to fall into the world and blend into the mountains and rivers.
以前总想 , 为什么落泪的人总在笑?后来才知道 , 那一抹笑 , 不是为了挽留 , 只是觉得 , 原来 , 不值得 , 再带着一点点自嘲 , 告诉自己:算了吧……
I used to think, why do people who cry always smile? Only later did I know that that smile was not for retention, but that it was not worth it. With a little bit of self-deprecation, I told myself: forget it.
世界的喧嚣与我无关 , 可是 , 与你无关的 , 又哪里算得上是喧嚣呢?
The hustle and bustle of the world has nothing to do with me, but what has nothing to do with you is noisy?
「千言」终极我们都经不起了岁月的折腾 , 抛却了各自的执着
「千言」有人告诉我说:心软是病 , 情深致命
「古风诗文」鹧鸪天:识得明月因星耀 , 对影回神向月嘲
「千言」明明想说我陪你到老 , 却被月亮诱惑 , 说成了月色真好
【今日必看|「千言」天空下起了雨,这伤心的样子容貌,和我哭泣时一模一样】想了解更多精彩内容 , 快来关注诗词千言
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