入手Fitbit Charge HR;关于心率数据分析,从个人使用者角度上看,怎么样分析才有意义
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Fitbit Charge HR 的数据准确度和佩戴方式,运动方式都有关,有时候和真实数据差别很大(甚至40%以上),不要把它用做医疗设备。
-------- 以下为第一次回答正文----------主要是锻炼目的吧,疾病预防和监测还是得去直接咨询医师,直接帖说明书(简单意译):Default heart rate zones
Heart rate zones let you target different training intensities to help you optimize yourworkout. Your zones are calculated based on your estimated maximum heart rate,which is 220 minus your age.
【入手Fitbit Charge HR;关于心率数据分析,从个人使用者角度上看,怎么样分析才有意义】 心率所属区间主要用来给你健身提供参考,区间是根据你所填写的个人信息自动计算的。
To quickly determine what zone you’re in, take a look at the heart icon on yourtracker as shown in the examples below.
When you’re out of zone, which means you’re below 50% of your maximumheart rate, your heart rate may be elevated but not enough to be consideredexercise. 如果显示第一个图基本不算是运动中;
Fat Burn zone, which means your heart rate is between 50% and 69% of yourmaximum, is the low-to-medium intensity exercise zone and may be a goodplace to start for those new to exercise. It’s called the Fat Burn zone because ahigher percentage of calories are burned from fat, but the total calorie burnrate is lower. 第二个图,中低运动强度,或者如果你是初级运动者可以从这个状态开始锻炼,可以起到减肥的作用;
Cardio zone, which means your heart rate is between 70% and 84% of yourmaximum, is the medium-to-high intensity exercise zone. In this zone you’repushing yourself but not straining. For most people this is the exercise zone totarget. 第三个图就是中高强度的运动了,大多数人达到这个区域就算可以了;
Peak zone, which means your heart rate is 85% of your maximum or higher, isthe high-intensity exercise zone. Peak zone is for short intense sessions thatimprove performance and speed. 第四个图的话适合短期高强度的运动,用来提高自身水平。
(PS:贴图只能另外开贴)@匿名用户 您说的这个视频没有看到你说的那么不靠谱:Fitbit Charge HR (TEST #1) -- Run/Bike Ride
这个地方是测评者骑自行车时比较Fitbit HR和Chest HR,一个是平均129,一个是平均142;大概10%的偏差。我个人猜测主要是其通过脉搏推算心率,具体原理和算法不了解,不敢瞎扯。
我目前天天带着Fitbit HR,看着一大堆出来的心率数据,无法挖掘其潜在价值;一个说法是休息时监控心率,更容易察觉潜在疾病。当然如果用于业余的体能训练,这个程度的监控基本已够。
--------------------- 15/03/18 ---------------------
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