adjTED | Taking imagination seriously( 四 )

这是下一个挑战 , 丹佛将召开两年一次的美洲会议 , 有人问我 , 能否将西半球的三十五个国家和他们的关联性表现在一件作品当中 , 笑声 , 我不知从何开始 , 但我说能 , 我读到了最近智利的地震、海啸的余波动荡了整个太平洋 , 它改变了地球的构造板块 , 加速了地球的自传 , 甚至缩短了地球一天的长度 , 我联系了美国国家海洋和大气局(NOAA) , 询问他们是否能够提供海啸的数据 , 然后我将那些数据转变成了这件作品 , 它名为“1.26” , 指代的是地球天数 , 被缩短的微妙 。
I couldn't build this with a steel ring, the way I knew. Its shape was too complex now. So I replaced the metal armature with a soft, fine mesh of a fiber 15 times stronger than steel. The sculpture could now be entirely soft, which made it so light it could tie in to existing buildings -- literally becoming part of the fabric of the city. There was no software that could extrude these complex net forms and model them with gravity. So we had to create it.
我不能依靠钢圈 , 以我原有的方式来搭建这座雕塑 , 因它的形状太过复杂 , 我将金属的支架 , 用一种柔软 , 细孔状的纤维代替 , 它比钢强韧15倍 , 雕塑现在完全是柔软的 , 因此很轻 , 可以被固定在已有的建筑上 , 名副其实地成为城市织物的一部分(译者注:fabric这里有双重含义:织物;建筑构筑) , 当时没有软件 , 能够模拟这种复杂的网状结构 , 并模拟重力对它的影响 , 因此我们必须制作一个 。
Then I got a call from New York City asking if I could adapt these concepts to Times Square or the High Line. This new soft structural method enables me to model these and build these sculptures at the scale of skyscrapers. They don't have funding yet, but I dream now of bringing these to cities around the world where they're most needed.
然后我接到一通来自纽约的电话 , 问我能否将这些概念应用到时代广场或者高线公园 , 新的软构架模式 , 让我能够模拟这些雕塑外形 , 并且将它们建得如摩天大厦一般高大 , 邀请方还未筹集到资金 , 但我现在梦想着 , 将这些雕塑带给世界各地的城市 , 给那些最需要的地方 。
Fourteen years ago, I searched for beauty in the traditional things, in craft forms. Now I combine them with hi-tech materials and engineering to create voluptuous, billowing forms the scale of buildings. My artistic horizons continue to grow.
14年前 , 我处处搜寻美 , 在传统事物中 , 在手工艺中寻找 , 现在 , 我将其与高科技材料和工程设计结合 , 来创造撩人的 , 随风波动的 , 如建筑般大小的作品 , 我艺术的边界不断扩展 。
I'll leave you with this story. I got a call from a friend in Phoenix. An attorney in the office who'd never been interested in art, never visited the local art museum, dragged everyone she could from the building and got them outside to lie down underneath the sculpture. There they were in their business suits, laying in the grass, noticing the changing patterns of wind beside people they didn't know, sharing the rediscovery of wonder.
最后 , 我要告诉你们这个故事 , 我接到了凤凰城一个朋友的电话 , 她是一个办公室律师 , 从未对艺术感兴趣过 , 从未去过当地的艺术博物馆 , 但却把所有她能号召的人拉出大楼 , 让大家一起躺在雕塑的下方 , 他们躺在那儿 , 穿着商务套装 , 躺在草地中 , 看着雕塑的形状随风而变 , 与陌生人一起 , 分享这重新发现的美 。
