曾凡朝读经荟梦系青春:?与歌德《少年维特之烦恼》媲美的《德米安:彷徨少年时》威麒拉杆箱里的经典( 二 )
中文出处:梦系青春:青年辛克莱寻找“夏娃”的故事,(德)黑 塞(Hesse , H.)著;王卫新译,同济大学出版社,1989.第42-44页
另一译名: 德米安:彷徨少年时
I see him again. It was a little later, on the street; allof us coming home from school were standing around a horse that had fallen. Itlay in front of a farmer’s cart, still harnessed to the shafts, and it snorted,complaining and questioning, through wide-open nostrils, and bled from a hidden wound. Dark liquid slowly soaked into the white dust of the street near the horse. When I turned away from the sight, feeling sick, I saw Demian’s face. Hehad not pushed his way to the front; he stood at the back, comfortable with himself and even looking rather elegant, as usual. His gaze seemed directed atthe horse’s head, again with this deep, silent, almost fanatical but nevertheless dispassionate attentiveness. I could not help looking at him for along time, and even back then I felt, far from consciously, something very unusual and special about him. I looked at Demian’s face and saw the face of a man, not a boy; but not only that, I also thought I could see, or feel, thatthis was not just the face of a man, it was something else too. There seemed tobe something of a woman’s face in it as well, in fact the face seemed to me,for a moment, neither manly nor childlike, neither old nor young, but somehow millennial,timeless, marked with different spans of time from the ones we lived in.Animals might look like that, or trees, or stars—I didn’t know, I didn’t feel precisely what I would say about it now, as an adult, but I felt something likethat. Maybe he was beautiful, maybe I was attracted to him and maybe repelled too, there was no way to decide that either. I saw only that he was different from us—he was like an animal, or like a spirit, or like a picture, I don’t know what he was but he was different, unimaginably different from us all.
英文出处:Demian:the story of Emil Sinclair's youth.Hermann Hesse 1877–1962.translated by Damion Searls - the Penguin Group,2013.
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