外媒:“你们被西方媒体操纵了!”隔离期间,加拿大博主揭秘外媒反华套路( 二 )
China doesn't revise counting methodologies. It underreports cases. China doesn't revise counting methodologies. It underreports cases. Think about that one. Doesn't matter which numbers they take out and put out in the public, in the news, give their international partners. It's not true is what they're saying. They're underreported if it's bad. If it's good, well then it's over-reported. Of course, you know what I mean?
中国不是治疗病患 , 而是把他们圈禁起来 。
China doesn't treat patients. It rounds them up.
出现卫生紧急事态时 , 中国不是依法征用私立医院 , 而是没收它们 。
China doesn't requisition private hospitals during the health emergency by passing laws. It seizes them. It doesn't requisition. It seizes them.
中国人不是爱国 , 他们只是被洗脑了 。
Chinese people are not patriotic. They're brainwashed.
我听美国的另类右翼分子都这么说 , 那些仇视中国的人 , 极力支持特朗普的人 。 有很多民主党人也在这样做 , 说中国洗脑这个 , 洗脑那个 。 好吧 , 如果...如果你是这样想的 , 也许你才是被洗脑的那个 。
I hear that from all of the Alt-Right people that... the haters, the Trumpanomics people out of the United States. And there's a lot of Democrats that are doing exactly the same thing, brainwash this and brainwash that...Well, you know, if that's the way you think, maybe you're the one that's brainwashed.
中国的政府不是面临治理挑战 , 而是面临统治威胁 。
China's government doesn't face governance challenges.
中国的公司不是创新 , 他们是窃取知识产权 。 过去几年来 , 这一直是特朗普经济学新闻中炒作的一件大事 。
China companies don't innovate. They steal IP. Yeah. And that's been a big thing in the news, the Trumpanomics news over the last number of years.
中国的名人并非出于爱国才在社交媒体上发爱国信息 , 他们是为了取悦执政党和民族主义的粉丝 。 我总是听到这类说法 。 谄媚者、马屁精、共产党的拥趸 , 诸如此类 。
Chinese celebrities don't love their country and post patriotic messages on social media. They pander to the CCP and nationalistic fans. I get that all the time, guys. Pander, bootlicker, commie shell, all of these things. Yes.
香港的暴徒没有袭击破坏立法会 , 香港警察放任让他们去做 。
Hong Kong rioters don't storm and destroy Legco. The Hong Kong police stand back and let them do it.
香港的暴徒没有打烧杀无辜民众 , 没有纵火、制造炸弹、毁坏地铁站 , 没有放火烧楼阻断交通 , 他们是在报复警察的暴行 。
Hong Kong rioters, don't beat and burn and kill civilians, commit arson, build bombs, destroy subway stations, set fires to buildings, block traffic. They retaliate against police brutality.
非友好国家的公民展现出的不是爱国主义 , 而是民族主义 。
Citizens of unfriendly countries don't display patriotism. They display nationalism.
柯克·阿佩兰认为 , 西方世界的媒体就是日复一日、年复一年地用这些字眼来操纵新闻的 。 他们操纵的不只是新闻 , 他们还在操纵你我这些西方新闻的观众 。
You see, all of these words that they use to manipulate the news in the Western world. But they're not just manipulating the news, they're manipulating you and me as Western viewers of the news. And it's one of those things that they do it very well. They've been doing it for years and years and years.
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