「中国」美国主播污蔑中国,几个菜呀喝成这样?( 二 )
So I will say this to you in your tone. Your model is out of control, your economy is out of control, America is already out of control. I don't want you to destroy your country or your way of life, but you work too hard you fought too long to win this pandumic, that's what I say, pandumic. China said this virus could be transmitted from human to human on public television on January 20th, America knew about, overly ignored about and intentionally protected Trump's campaign from the virus, but allow that virus to be released, putting the rest of the American people at risk. you wanna control people, your politicians wanna get more votes. If you are gonna start working on how we are gonna be punished, how about starting with banning our masks, gloves, and gowns. By the way, if you want us to keep our damn hands off you, then how do you expect us to do something about what got you to this mess in the first place? With our feet?
That's cute, asking for a favor at the end of an aggressive speech.
China told the world that this virus is human-to-human, but even if we didn't, America has the most advanced medical technology in the world, how come China suddenly becomes your source on the health issue. In case you blame us in the future, let me tell you something Jeanine, AIDS is human-to-human, H1N1 is human-to-human, flu is human-to-human. Guess what, that is literally how viruses spread. From human-to-human. surprise! Stop fooling your people, China is not your enemy, WHO is not your enemy, Obama is not your enemy, Democrats are not your enemy, the virus is your enemy. We Chinese don't give a damn about your House of Cards drama, this war against the virus is global, and let's work hand in hand to win this one! Oops, I'm sorry, I forgot that you want us to keep our damn hands off you.
Seeing how drunk you guys are, I kinda miss your behavior during the trade tension.
That's all I wanna say. If you agree with my view, please like this video, and share it. Thank you and see you next time.
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