【】缅怀James Scott: 从未被资助的早期研究到估值1亿的产业技术

【】缅怀James Scott: 从未被资助的早期研究到估值1亿的产业技术

4月6日 , 铁电大家James F. Scott去世 。 剑桥大学物理系发布简短纪念文章 。 知社为您重发Scott专访:《从未被资助的早期研究 , 到估值1亿的产业技术》
【】缅怀James Scott: 从未被资助的早期研究到估值1亿的产业技术

Jim was a larger than life personality, who made huge contributions to the field of ferroelectrics. After studying at Harvard and working at the Bell Laboratories, he spent a long stint on the faculty at the University of Colorado, where he integrated ferroelectrics with silicon, co-founded the SymmetrixCorporation and paved the way towards the commercial applications that we enjoy today. There followed many years in Australia, where he both occupied high office and maintained his research output.
Jim joined the Department of Earth Sciences in Cambridge in 1998. On reaching the statutory retiring age, the then Head of the Cavendish Peter Littlewood brought him to the Laboratory as a Director of Research. In both Departments, he continued to make major contributions to his core field of ferroelectrics, while returning to multiferroics in Earth Sciences and working on quantum criticality at the Cavendish. After finally retiring from Cambridge, Jim had yet more very productive years in St. Andrews, before retiring to Cambridge in fading health in early 2020. Jim’s many achievements include writing the canonical book Ferroelectric Memories (2000) and being elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2008. Jim had, and will continue to have, a huge following amongst his former students and collaborators around the world, to whom he was both a great mentor and a great friend.
We pass on our condolences to his wife Galya and their family.
【】缅怀James Scott: 从未被资助的早期研究到估值1亿的产业技术

他在一个贫困小镇长大 , 刚上哈佛的时候念的是英语文学专业;博士毕业的时候 , 妻子有几个月身孕 , 自己口袋里却只有十英镑;让他得奖的这项研究 , 起初没有任何的资助 , 如今已被成功应用于估值1亿英镑产业 。 他是Jim Scott , 集成铁电学之父 , 引文桂冠奖得主 , 刚刚荣获联合国教科文组织大奖 。 请看Scott教授精彩访谈 , 科学家就像二手车贩?

【】缅怀James Scott: 从未被资助的早期研究到估值1亿的产业技术

全文2300字 , 预计阅读时间4分钟
访谈:John Elmes
此前 , 联合国教科文组织(UNESCO) 授予英国圣安德鲁斯大学Jim Scott教授“纳米科学和纳米技术发展贡献”奖 , 以表彰他在铁电材料及器件研究方面所做出的先驱性工作 。 Jim Scott发表获奖感言说:“这项工作开始于1984年 , 历时30多年时间 , 获奖并不感觉像是中了彩票 , 而要归功于几十年来周末的加班和我妻子耐心的容忍 。 ” 据悉 , 这项被成功应用于估值1亿英镑产业的技术却开始于Jim Scott在美国科罗拉多大学一个毫无科研资金资助的项目 。 如今 , 他纳米存储器(Nano-memories) 的研究成果 , 已经被广泛应用于全世界数百万具有电子钱包功能的智能卡 。

【】缅怀James Scott: 从未被资助的早期研究到估值1亿的产业技术
