
https://www.fema.gov/coronavirus-rumor-control大美利坚合众国政府应急规划署郑重辟谣 , 凡是说美国政府向民众发钱的人都是骗子 。 上边网址是链接 。辟谣原文如下:The U.S. Government is not mailing checks in response to COVID-19 at this time. Anyone who tells you they can get you the money now is a scammer. It’s important that you only trust information coming from official sources. The Federal Trade Commission recently provided more information about this scam and other common COVID-19 related scams on their website.想想就明白 , 美国三亿人 , 大人一千孩子五百 , 这得印起码二千亿的票子 。 美国的商品就那么多 , 凭空印出来二千亿的票子这是要毁灭美元的节奏 。 楼主和楼上诸位给美国政府此举唱赞歌的猫眼网友 , 您可知您唱的赞歌每一个音符都会形成要毁灭美利坚的音乐共振 , 太冒险了 。
