中国人把佩雷尔曼“踢”上领奖台 - 钱江晚报
中国人把佩雷尔曼“踢”上领奖台 钱江晚报采访人员 俞熙娜 本报讯 国际著名数学家、美国国家科学院院士汉密尔顿在马德里举行的2006国际数学家大会上说:“丘成桐和我一起发展了一套纲领——用Ricci流来解决这个问题(庞加莱猜想) 。 ”“基于几篇网页上的手稿 , Perelman(俄罗斯数学家佩雷尔曼)称他完成了这个纲领;而一个完整的解释最近由曹怀东和朱熹平完成 。 ” 作为庞加莱猜想证明过程中的主帅 , 佩雷尔曼的获菲尔茨奖及汉密尔顿的演讲被视为最终破解这一困扰人类百余年的猜想 。 而演讲中的这两句话 , 无疑极大地肯定了中国数学家在其中的作用 。 “可以说 , 是中国数学家把佩雷尔曼‘踢’上了世界数学最高领奖台 。 ”密切关注数学家大会的美国加州大学洛杉机分校教授、浙江大学数学中心主任刘克峰昨日在接受本报采访人员采访时说 。 曹怀东抄袭 被迫道歉, 承认只是跟随汉密尔顿和佩雷尔曼 。 曹怀东:"我们只是跟着汉密尔顿和佩雷尔曼的脚步 。 "曹怀东英文道歉信原文 。 Huai-Dong Cao and Xi-Ping Zhu We would like to thank Bruce Kleiner and John Lott for bringing to our attention the fact that the argument concerning Claim 2 in the proof of Perelman’ssingularity structure theorem (i.e., the Step 2 in the proof of Theorem 7.1.1 in our paper, p.400-402) essentially appeared in the initial version of their notes on Perelman’s first paper posted on the website in June, 2003. Thanks to this initial version of their notes, this part of Perelman’s argument had been widely understood by the experts in the field since June of 2003. Looking back, we realize that, sometime during the period between June 2003 and early 2004, we had looked at the initial version of Kleiner-Lott’s notes,and the argument for finite distance implies finite curvature in our own notes back then was based on the argument in their initial notes. (我们忘了当时我们抄了他的观点 。 ) More than a year later, we wrote up the Step 2 in the proof of Theorem 7.1.1 in our paper according to our own notes and overlooked the fact that the argument was in fact based on the work of Kleiner-Lott in their initial notes. We apologize forfailing to attribute this argument to Kleiner and Lott in our paper due to our oversight.
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