迷人的混蛋,昆汀和他的电影音乐歌单( 三 )

?I always sleep with my guns when you're gone

There's a blade by the bed

And a phone in my hand


There's a shark in the pool

And a witch in the tree

A crazy old neighbour and he's been watching me

And there's footsteps loud and strong coming down the hall

Something's under the bed

Now it's out in the hedge

《Battle Without Honor or Humanity》



?一首来自日本歌手布袋寅泰的曲子 , 最早出自默默无闻的日本黑道电影《新·无仁义之战》 , 被《杀死比尔》用了之后也是火遍全球 , 相信很多人都会觉得似曾相识 , 因为真的被在很多作品很多场合都出现过 , 堪称亚洲人自己的《Final Countdown》 。 这也从侧面证明了昆汀真的很爱各种类型的亚洲暴力片 。
